Stories and narratives of communities in Reading
This is an online workshop about our experience of caring spaces in Reading. Architecture students have made an online collage of Reading city centre that captures some of their personal experiences of how space and people care for them in Reading, some of them positive and others negative. And they created imaginary spaces that took care of their needs and desires: a yoga bench, a psychological shelter, a cocoon of meditation, a lantern furniture for nighttime lighting. What are your experiences and narratives of care, public or more intimate? How can care and friendship help design spaces and practices we use to embrace difference? What are your stories? What spaces of care do you imagine in Reading?
We have used a virtual online platform (Miro) to capture and share with you the process of this interactive collage, storytelling and paper folding.
Bring some paper, scissors, your phone or a camera and join us on Friday 28th May at 12noon to find out how Architecture Cares!
Name of Contributors
Danya Boothway, Ronniela Castelo, Bupesh Hirani, Sophie Davies, Tracy Kong, Shiyu Zhao, Yasmin Soydan, Carolina Vasilikou (activator)
Name of Organisation
School of Architecture, University of Reading
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Join
Architecture Cares
Please join us in this workshop, where we will be reworking the map of care Architecture students have created, remapping the city of Reading together.