2023 BA → Rachel Bicknell

Rachel Bicknell

Bicknell, R. 1
Life in the Pond, Printing Ink on Paper, 42 cm x 30 cm, 2023

My practice focuses on the innate textures and elements of natural resources. Through Ceramic Sculpture and Printing, my work explores the idea of layering and involving the process of tiling.

Bicknell, R. 2
Untitled, Grout and Acrylic Paint on Wood, 62 cm x 50 cm, 2023
Bicknell, R. 3
Untitled, Printing Ink on Paper and Projection, 60cm x 52cm, 2023
Bicknell, R. 4
Untitled, Grout and Acrylic Paint on Wood, 62 cm x 50 cm, 2023
Bicknell, R. 5
Untitled, Printing Ink on Paper, 10 cm x 2 cm, 2023