We are a group of parents and carers deeply concerned about the climate crisis and what it means for all children both now and in the future. We are currently running a project called Letters to Our Children and would love to invite you to contribute a letter. The letter can be to your own child, the children in your life, or to future generations. What would you like to tell them that you never have the chance to say, or they are too young to understand? What would you like them to know about how you feel at this time? What are your hopes for them? What future do you want for them? What are your fears and how do they affect you?
We know that science alone has not yet proved enough to drive the change needed to tackle the climate crisis. Art, emotion and creativity are powerful, perhaps they can succeed where science has not? Please send us your words of love and tenderness, your hopes and fears for the world your children will grow up into. We will be using the letters to craft a message to powerful leaders. Too often conversations around how we will recover from the pandemic and tackle the climate crisis are technical and exclusive. We want to bring out what is at stake here, the people we love beyond all else: our children, the future.
Email your letters to extinctionrebellionfamilies@gmail.com
or share on social media using hashtags: #letterstoourchildren #letterstothefuture